Learn the Way
In this page you will find your way to simple bible teaching

David Pawson is a prominent Bible Teacher based in Great Britian and has produced an extensive teaching library including free audio/video downloads, books and Ebooks which have been tranlated into mulitple languages and distributed in more than 120 countries. Click on this link to go to David Pawson website
In Unlocking the Bible, David Pawson presents a book by book study of the whole bible, click on this link to see all his teachings on youtube.
David Pawson
Teaching, preaching, broadcasting

Derek Prince is the author of over 50 books, 600 audio and 110 video teachings, many of which have been translated and published in more than 100 languages. He preached at many Christian conferences worldwide.
Derek’s main gift of explaining the Bible and its teaching in a clear and simple way has helped build a foundation of faith in millions of lives. His non-denominational, non-sectarian approach has made his teaching equally relevant and helpful to people from all racial and religious backgrounds.
Derek Prince teaching videos on youtube click here
Click on this link for Derek Prince Ministries for free resources and bible study.
DPM Ministries uk
Healing and DHT Traininng

Curry Blake is the overseer of John G Lake Ministries the JGLM,Divine Healing Technician (DHT) Training is based on John G. Lake’s original Biblical, expositional teachings and has been instrumental in helping equip hundreds of thousands of believers all over the world with Biblical understanding which results in faith to heal the sick and manifest the power of God to work the miraculous, resulting in well over one million people being healed. Click on this Link
The Biblical Exposition that makes up the DHT Training will equip ANY believer (who’s willing to believe and act on God’s Word) to do the works of Christ, operate in His power, and thus see Jesus promise fulfilled, specifically, that believers “will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” and “he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also.” John 14:12 The DHT Training has revolutionized the body of Christ, worldwide, with faith and a return to the powerful simplicity and demonstration of the Kingdom of God that Jesus and the early church embodied

click on this link to watch the DHT TRAINING Clip