Mental Illness in Christians
A Christain approach to mental health awareness.
The subject of mental illness is complex, but the purpose of this page is to share ways in which the church can compassionately support those dealing with it
We want to share what God has put in our hearts and to see His healing power at work in people living with mental health. John 1.1.2-3 “Beloved, I wish that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul (emotions) prospers
Seducing (Planos) Spirts the Cause of Mental Illness in Christians
1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaks expressly that in latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits (planos pnuema) & doctrines of devils.
Mind Control: How Satan Dominates the Human Mind.
The mind is the only thing in the world a human can control 100%. Satan uses two types of spirits (lying spirits and fear demons) to control people (saved or unsaved). They almost always work in the same order; the lying spirit strikes first and the fear demon attacks second.
(1) The lying spirit injects a thought (usually negative) into the mind from his hiding place in the unused portion of the brain (Mt. 9:32-33, 12:22).
(2) The fear demon usually hides in the stomach or chest area and waits to see if the person will receive and believe the lie or negative thought.
(3) If the person receives the thought, the fear spirit attacks the soul (creating negative emotions) or body (creating pain) which reinforces the lie as truth.
If the person takes the thought given to them captive, the fear demon will strike the soul or body first giving the person negative emotions, feelings or pain. Once the person labels them, it becomes true to that person. For example; a negative thought is emitted into the mind from the lying spirit in the brain such as "You will always be alone. No one likes you." Once the person receives and believes the injected thought, the fear spirit attacks the soul and the person "feels" loneliness, fear, rejection, etc. They are now in bondage. If the fear demon strikes the soul first and causes the negative emotions to arise in the body, the person labels it "I feel so alone." "Everyone rejects me."
The thoughts are always negative!
They are now in bondage. Jesus said "You will know the Truth and the Truth will make you free. If the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed." Once the person learns through discernment, to reject the lying emotions and thoughts, the spirits lose their power and can easily be cast out. The person can be cured of mental illness and chronic negative thinking patterns. No one can be set free from listening to lies. They must be mentally renewed (Eph. 4:23). Only by receiving and believing truth can a person be loosed from the power of darkness (Lk.11:36).
Understanding Satan's methods of mind control is a major key to restoration. Repentance is the key (Acts 3:19). You can be free of Satan's destructive control of your mind if you repent of receiving negative thoughts and emotions as your own, go through deliverance and re-new your mind on the Word of God (Eph. 4:23, I Cor. 2:16, II Cor. 10:4-5, Phil. 2:5, I Pet. 1:13, 4:1). Remember if you did not want that thought than it did not come from you. If it is negative thought than it is not from God, the only other source is from a lying spirit.
Your Steps to freedom
1) Receive the Truth
2) Repent of any sin.
3) Forgive others and release them to the Lord
4) Command the Lying Spirit out from the brain, NOW YOU KNOW THE TRUTH.
5) The fear demon will collapse out of the body.
6) Renew the mind with God’s Word.
7) Replace what the devil has been saying, with what God say’s about you
God has never had a negative thought against you His thought of you are always for good. His will is for you to be healed and your mind to be freed from Lies.

There is no fear in love, agape love. The love of the Father.
1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love (agape), but perfect (teleios) love casts out (ballo) fear. Fear has torment (kolasis/to inflict punishment). He that fears is not made perfect (teleios) in love.
The End Result
if you will complete your repentance and demolish the fortress of lies in your mind built by seducing lying spirits over time, you will be completely free from the authority and power of Satan and demons. You will fulfil your destiny and the incredible call of God upon your life. Remember, each thought must be taken captive and demolished.Not one demonic negative, lying thought can be received and believed! They all must be pulled down
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