Meet the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the Power of God here on earth who dwells inside every believer; who first repents to God and believes in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus said, "And I say unto you, ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks the door, it shall be opened... how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?" Luke11:9,10&13b
How Do I Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?

By simply asking your heavenly Father - For those of you who have not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Repent towards God in your heart (not mind), who is Holy and Righteous, believe in your heart that the Lord Jesus paid for your sins, died on the cross and was resurrected on the third day. Now ask the Holy Spirit to come and by grace through faith believe that you have received him.
Example prayer of repentance to receive the Holy Spirit
Father God I come to you as a sinner, I know that I have knowingly and unknowingly sinned against you. You created all things and you have created me, you are a Holy and Righteous God.
Now take a few minutes and think about the most important sins that come to mind. As an example they may be: anger, hatred, fornication, lying, stealing, adultery, and hatred towards God etc.
Confess those out loud to God with a sorrowful heart. Next take a deep breath, and say I believe that you sent your one and only Son Jesus Christ, to die for my sins, who was crucified, died and buried and rose again on the third day. Thank you Jesus for dying for me.
Wait a little while and now say....
Now Holy Spirit, promise of the Father, I receive you, come Holy Spirit..... Wait... and by grace through Faith, you will receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. Acts 2:4
When you receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit, you are a new creation in Christ. If any man be in Christ he is a new creation, old things have passed away, behold all thing have become new. Receive the love of God and the power of God. He will help you change from your old self to go preach the Gospel, heal the sick, drive out demons.
How do you know you have the Holy Spirit- if you have the Holy Spirit dwelling in you and He never leaves you, you will display the fruits of the Spirit in your life, there are nine fruits of the Spirit written in the bible, a person who walks in the spirit will display these fruits in their life.

Many people receive the Holy Spirit prior to getting baptised. Baptism is symbolic, not a deciding factor. The important thing is that you should be baptised in water and then by the Holy Spirit. It does not matter which order it happens. Look up Acts 2:38...which says, if you repent and get baptised, you will receive the Holy Spirit
Get baptised.
Baptism is from the Greek word "baptizo". means to immerse or to submerge in water. Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in water for our example to follow. Find some water (ocean, lake, river, swimming pool or warm bathwater, etc. will do). Anyone can baptize you, if already a Spirit-filled believer. Look through our resource page for more teaching on water baptism
Jesus promised the disciples that when they received the comforter (The Holy Spirit) that He would abide with them forever. the same power that brought Jesus back from the dead now resides in you to preach the gosple, heal the sick and drive out demons, He does all the work through you. Ask the Father today and welcome the Holy Spirit into your life.
Many Christians don't receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and so never really experience a real change in their lives. Without the Holy Spirit you can do nothing and your Christian walk will just be down to tradition and not a real living relationship with the Spirit of God.