How to Receive Jesus Christ

Our heart is for you to know the Father personally through the Lord Jesus Christ, a personal living relationship is very near to you, but we have to by faith enter into this relationship. The whole purpose of Jesus coming to earth was to give us what was stolen by Satan in the garden of Eden, He has done this through the cross and so to enter into this relationship it's easy if you are willing.
How do we enter into a living relationship with God
Our Lord said, Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand, and so if you would like to enter into His presence, please say the following prayer with a contrite heart.
Father God, I come to you as a sinner, I know that I have knowingly and unknowingly sinned against you. You created all things and you have created me, you are a Holy and Righteous God.
Now take a few minutes and think about the most important sins that come to mind. As an example, they may be anger, hatred, fornication, lying, stealing, adultery, hatred towards God, fear, depression, believing a lie said about you etc. At this point you also want to forgive and let go of those who have caused you pain, upset or hurt, this could be currently or even those in the past.
Confess those out loud to God with a sorrowful heart. (Godly sorrow leads to repentance)
Next, take a deep breath and say.
I believe you sent your one and only Son Jesus Christ to die for my sins, who was crucified, died and buried and rose again on the third day.
Thank you, Jesus, for dying for me!
Wait a few moments, relax and even smile and say the following.
Jesus baptise me with your Holy Spirit, the promise of the Father, I receive you, come Holy Spirit..... Come in power! Save me...set me free... heal my heart, body and soul. Break any ungodly soul ties..
Now Wait... and just breath normally and by grace through Faith, you will receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Acts 1:8 says But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
You will feel an immense sense of peace as the King of peace now resides in you. He will give you the power and strength to go through life, but more importantly, He is now involved in your situation.
We believe you will receive the true Baptism of the Holy Spirit. He will help you to become a witness for Jesus Christ.
You will never be the same again. We would also encourage you, if you have NOT, to get a full immersion water baptism. You are now a new creation in Christ Jesus.
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away. Behold, all things have become new!
Remember the devil does not come, but to steal, kill and destroy and Christ has come that you may have life and that more abundantly and that includes blessing you with health, employment, finances and a happy family, so you can bless others.
Receive Jesus Christ with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Please let us know if you have said this prayer so we can rejoice with you.
When you are in this place of peace, now pray from your heart for your family members and friends, that the Lord will grant them repentance and bring them to the knowledge of the truth and set them free.