Gospel Bracelet
As we "Go into ALL the world...," evangelism tools can help prepare a person’s heart to understand and receive the gift of salvation.
In this instance, the Gospel bracelet can be used to help others understand the message and thus, prepares those to accept Christ.
As a wearer of the bracelet, you can help share the good news of Christ. Sometimes it’s hard to start a conversation, but when you’re wearing your bracelet, people will often ask you about it. Which provides an open door
These bracelets are also a wonderful way to engage children and young teens in small groups where they can be supervised to make their own bracelet and help equip each child to present the Gospel to their friends and family through the colours of the beads.
We have prepared a "You Are Loved" booklet template which is used with the bracelet, it explains each colour giving the story of God's amazing goodness to mankind. We would like to encourage you to make your own bracelets and have included a pdf which provides a step-by-step diagram on how to make each bracelet and the items required.
If you are having problems sourcing the parts we can supply you with kits which you can make up, or if you prefer we can supply bracelets already made. We have tried to keep the costs as low as possible but have to take into account labour, time and postage costs.
Option 1
Ready-made packs that contain 20 bracelets this also includes 20 individual bags. Salvation bracelets are a great way to share God's plan of salvation. Each set comes with 20 made up bracelets , and 20 bags. Finished bracelets fit both children and adults. Cord colour is black. For each bracelet, all you have to add is add the booklet that goes with the bracelet which you can download and print.
Price: £12.00p per pack including postage to anywhere in the UK

Salvation bracelets are a great way to share God's plan of salvation. Please email us for larger quantities as the postage price will cost more. Instructions on how to make the Gospel bracelet PDF: Instructions for Making the Gospel Bracelet-JIL-Ministries Download the You Are Loved Template in PDF: You Are Loved are all available on the link at the bottom of this page.
Option 2
20 bracelets ready to assemble pack, includes 20 bags. Salvation bracelets are a great way to share God's plan of salvation. Each set comes with 20 kits individually bagged. Kits are made of plastic pony beads, fifeteen inches of elastic- cord. Finished bracelets fit both children and adults. Cord color is black. These are great for children's ministry's.
Price: £ 13.00 per pack including postage to anywhere in the uk.
Please email us for larger quanitites as the postage price will cost more.

Download and Watch
Instructions on how to make the Gospel bracelet PDF:Instructions for Making the Gospel Bracelet-JIL-Ministries
Download the You Are Loved Template in PDF :YOU ARE LOVED -JIL
Watch a video on how to make your own you Are Loved Gospel Bracelet.https://youtu.be/6nKw1EzsxAk