Let us help you break every chain
Whom the son sets free is free indeed John 8:36
We want to welcome you! And pray that you are blessed by our online presence. We offer help to anyone who has a physical, mental or spiritual need.
If you or someone you know is not living 'free in Christ' in any area of your life, we can help". We have a command from the Lord Jesus to bring His Gospel message to all the world. We regularly see His goodness and mercy which is available to everyone who has the right heart to know Him. No matter where you are today let us help you through the Lord Jesus to break every chain and live the life He died to give you.
Wherever the problem, whether it's a sickness, disease or another type of affliction, we invite you to fill in our prayer request form below and we will pray for you. Be at peace!
Please remember to check you have given your correct email address so we can send you back a reply back to confirm we have prayed for you.